Earlier this month, select NorthAmericaTalk customers were introduced to new reports.

The NorthAmericaTalk sales team launched a reporting tool that enables some customers to see data on top local searches, top posts for the past 30 days, and select market demographics.  The sales team guides the customer through a process to select the best products to reach their target market.

For example, some ThurstonTalk.com customers may be interested in knowing which search terms are generating the most inbound traffic to www.thurstontalk.com.  Then, the customer can link their brand with that content producing the most return on their investment.

The sales team will continue to introduce these tools to our customers, totaling more than 180 businesses.

Watch us in action at www.thurstontalk.com, www.southsoundtalk.com, www.whatcomtalk.com, www.graysharbortalk.com.